Dr. David Jeremiah’s prayer for America, the world amidst the chaos
Our world today is chaotic. War in the Middle East, war in Ukraine, 110 military conflicts around the world, frequent natural disasters, inflation, poverty, and disease. A stressful and daunting election season has our attention and consumes our national conciousness.
But people want to believe that brighter days are ahead. We all long for lasting peace, harmony, health, and stability. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, “He has put eternity in their hearts.” Our longing comes from how we were created, and God promises that one day the world will be put right. And His promises will not go unfulfilled.
The Coming Golden Age is the hope of the earth, and it can transform our lives today as we live in light of a glorious tomorrow. While we wait for that day and for the lasting peace and harmony that will reign, let us join in prayer for our world, our neighbors (both near and far), our churches, the nations around the world, and their leaders.
Almighty God, our Heavenly Father,
You tell us that if we will humble ourselves and pray and seek Your face … then You will hear from heaven and will forgive our sin and will heal our land.
Lord, the world has fallen into darkness, disobedience, and indifference. We have sinned, and the world suffers. But we know brighter days are ahead.
I pray for our world today, that hearts would turn to You and be filled with the hope of the Coming Golden Age. May we rejoice in the knowledge of your coming earthly reign when …
War will give way to lasting peace
Pain, sickness, and death will be no more
The earth will be restored to Edenic geography
ustice and mercy will be experienced by all
Satan’s influence will gone
Music will fill the air
Everyone will know You.
You have planned for the world since its creation, and I ask you to keep us in Your loving care until that day. Watch over the nations as a good shepherd watches over his flock, and may we find ultimate safety and security in You and may Your peace fill hearts everywhere.
May we each be a light for the world shining brightly at home and abroad as we communicate with one another every day as never before. For we know brighter days are ahead, and we wait patiently for Your return.
We pray this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Dr. David Jeremiah is the founder of Turning Point, an international ministry committed to providing Christians with sound Bible teaching through radio and television, the Internet, live events, and resource materials and books. He is the author of more than fifty books, including his newest release, “The Coming Golden Age 31 Ways to be Kingdom Ready
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