Breaking News: Blue Angels Test Mobile Arresting…..

GRAYLING, Mich. — On June 26, 2024, the U.S. Navy Blue Angels conducted a crucial test of the Mobile Aircraft Arresting System (MAAS) at Camp Grayling Army Airfield. This test was pivotal in ensuring the readiness of the system ahead of their scheduled performance at the National Cherry Festival Air Show in Traverse City, which took place on June 29-30, 2024. The deployment of MAAS at Camp Grayling was specifically arranged to support the Blue Angels during this high-profile event.

The MAAS plays a critical role in facilitating the safe landing of advanced aircraft such as the Blue Angels’ F/A-18 Hornets. Comprising hook cables and barriers, these systems are designed to swiftly bring aircraft to a halt, particularly in emergency scenarios. Regular testing and maintenance, exemplified by the exercises conducted at Camp Grayling, are essential to keep the MAAS fully operational.

Colonel Scott Meyers, post commander of Camp Grayling, expressed enthusiasm about their involvement: “When approached by the National Cherry Festival Airshow Director to utilize Grayling Army Airfield for the Mobile Arresting Gear, we readily agreed. It was a privilege to contribute to ensuring the Blue Angels could perform at this year’s festival, which holds significant community and economic importance.”

The decision to utilize MAAS at Grayling Army Airfield instead of Traverse City Airport stemmed from the airfield’s secure military setting, ensuring optimal support for the Blue Angels’ operations. Spectators were invited to observe from outside the military gates as Blue Angel aircraft #7 successfully engaged the arresting cable, executing a flawless stop on the runway.

Christian Smith, Director of the National Cherry Festival airshow, underscored the necessity of MAAS for hosting headline performers like the Blue Angels: “As part of the 33rd National Cherry Festival Air Show, installing MAAS was mandatory to support the Blue Angels. Camp Grayling and Grayling Army Airfield generously stepped forward to facilitate the MAAS installation. Without this essential gear, hosting the Blue Angels would not have been possible. We are immensely grateful for the support received from the entire team at Camp Grayling.”

Camp Grayling stands as the largest training site for the National Guard in the United States, offering expansive facilities and a secure environment ideal for military activities. Its proximity to Traverse City provides strategic advantages for events such as the National Cherry Festival airshow, drawing significant community interest and engagement, evident from the large crowds and enthusiastic social media participation during the event.

Master Warrant Officer Jason Robinson of the Canadian Armed Forces, responsible for the installation of the arresting gear, lauded the collaborative effort: “Working alongside the personnel of Camp Grayling and the Grayling community has been a privilege. This experience has been enriching for our team, and we look forward to continuing this partnership.”

For the first time, Camp Grayling participated in the National Cherry Festival Air Show through the Michigan National Guard, showcasing both Army and Air National Guard aircraft. This collaboration underscores Camp Grayling’s pivotal role as a premier training and operational support center in Northern Michigan, reinforcing its significance within the region.

In conclusion, the successful deployment and testing of the Mobile Aircraft Arresting System at Camp Grayling not only ensured the safety of the Blue Angels’ performance but also highlighted the cooperative spirit among military personnel, festival organizers, and the local community. This event not only showcased advanced military capabilities but also strengthened community ties and highlighted Camp Grayling’s vital role in supporting regional events and national defense efforts.

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