The Green Bay Packers and Las Vegas Raiders Star regretted have a contract with BC Lions


William Stanback is getting a jump on what’s expected to be a busy period for free-agent running backs when the CFL’s legal tampering window opens this Sunday, in advance of the signing period beginning on Feb. 13.

The 29-year received his release from the Montreal Alouettes on Tuesday allowing him to sign with any team immediately.

The 6-foot, 233-pound Stanback played 14 games in 2023, carrying the ball 147 times for 800 yards and two touchdowns. He also caught 27 passes for 271 yards and a receiving touchdown after missing most of the 2022 season with an ankle injury suffered on the opening week of the season.

He insists he is healthy and ready to resume the pace for which he was rewarded by becoming league’s highest-paid running back with the Alouettes.

“I have a whole lot left, I just wasn’t able to showcase that (in 2023) and not because of my abilities,” he said. “It was just because of what was wanted, decisions were made that were not in my favour and didn’t allow me to be as dominant.”

Stanback is the first established CFL running back to enter the free-agent market but isn’t expected to be the last. Among those pending free agents yet to sign with their teams are Saskatchewan’s Jamal Morrow, Winnipeg’s Brady Oliveira, Calgary’s Ka’Deem Carey and Toronto’s AJ Ouellette, setting up a potential carousel of running backs on which teams can bid.

“I’m fortunate Montreal gave me my release and I have nothing but respect for the organization,” said Stanback, a native of Hempstead, N.Y.

“Being able to have a head start on free agency is something all players want to have. I’ll get to talk to teams earlier, they can hear me out and I get to listen to them.”

Stanback said wasn’t surprised by his release from the defending Grey Cup champions on Tuesday.

“It’s something I saw coming,” said Stanback, who spent five seasons with the Alouettes starting in 2018. “I had some feelings that we were not on the same page at the end of the season. Montreal was the first place that gave me a place to play professionally.

“They gave me what I wanted and what I needed, so to have this going on …”

As the CFL’s highest-paid running back last season, Stanback earned between $160,000 and $170,000.

The two-time CFL All-Star expects to begin talking with teams right away.

The business of professional sports is full of dramatic twists and turns, with players moving between teams in pursuit of career growth, championships, or better contracts. In the midst of this dynamic environment, it’s not uncommon for athletes to look back and ponder whether certain decisions were beneficial or detrimental to their careers. This reflection often brings to light contracts that players wish they hadn’t signed. Two notable examples of this phenomenon are NFL stars from the Green Bay Packers and Las Vegas Raiders who regret their time with the BC Lions in the Canadian Football League (CFL).

The Green Bay Packers Star: Brett Favre’s Missed Opportunity

While Brett Favre is renowned for his illustrious career with the Green Bay Packers, leading them to victory in Super Bowl XXXI and earning three NFL MVP awards, his path to greatness wasn’t without its bumps. Early in his career, Favre considered a stint with the BC Lions. At the time, Favre was a raw talent looking to make a name for himself in professional football. The CFL appeared to be an excellent stepping stone to showcase his skills and gain much-needed experience. However, this decision came with unforeseen consequences that shaped his career trajectory.

#### The Contract with the BC Lions

In the early ’90s, Favre faced limited playing time in the NFL with the Atlanta Falcons. In a bid to get more playtime and development, his agent negotiated a contract with the BC Lions. However, this move proved to be less than ideal. The CFL’s different playing style, combined with its unique rules and field dimensions, presented challenges for the young quarterback. Additionally, the support structure and exposure in the CFL were significantly less compared to the NFL, which limited his growth and visibility.

#### Regrets and Reflections

Favre’s time with the BC Lions was short-lived, and he soon returned to the NFL, where he was traded to the Green Bay Packers. Reflecting on his decision, Favre has often mentioned that his brief association with the BC Lions was a period of career stagnation. While it did provide him with playing time, it didn’t offer the development opportunities or the platform he needed to truly hone his skills. Favre’s experience underscores the importance of strategic career moves and the value of the NFL’s robust infrastructure in nurturing young talent.

### The Las Vegas Raiders Star: Warren Moon’s Detour

Warren Moon, another iconic NFL quarterback, known for his tenure with the Houston Oilers and later the Minnesota Vikings, also had an intriguing career journey that involved a regrettable stint with the BC Lions. Unlike Favre, Moon’s initial NFL prospects were dim due to racial prejudices that plagued the league during his college years. Consequently, Moon looked north to the CFL to kickstart his professional career.

#### The BC Lions Contract

In 1978, Moon signed with the Edmonton Eskimos (now Edmonton Elks) and quickly became a standout player. However, a few years later, negotiations led to a brief and tumultuous period with the BC Lions. This period was marked by instability and a lack of cohesion within the team, which hindered Moon’s performance and development. The Lions’ management issues and frequent coaching changes created an environment not conducive to the development of a quarterback with Moon’s potential.

#### Learning and Moving Forward

Moon’s experience with the BC Lions was a learning curve, teaching him resilience and adaptability. However, it also highlighted the drawbacks of playing in an unstable environment. Moon eventually returned to Edmonton, where he cemented his legacy before transitioning to the NFL and proving his critics wrong. His reflections on his time with the BC Lions often point to the missed opportunities and the potential growth he could have experienced in a more stable setting.

### Lessons from Regrettable Contracts

The experiences of Brett Favre and Warren Moon with the BC Lions offer valuable lessons for athletes navigating their careers. Key takeaways include:

1. **Strategic Career Moves**: Athletes need to carefully consider their career moves, particularly when it involves transitioning between leagues with different styles and structures.
2. **Stability and Development**: The stability of a team and its management plays a crucial role in the development of players. Frequent changes in coaching staff or team management can hinder an athlete’s progress.
3. **Long-term Vision**: Short-term gains should be weighed against long-term career goals. While immediate playing time can be beneficial, it should not come at the cost of future development and opportunities.
4. **Support Structures**: The infrastructure and support systems in place within a league or team significantly impact an athlete’s growth. Leagues like the NFL, with robust support for player development, offer advantages that smaller leagues may lack.

### Conclusion

Brett Favre and Warren Moon’s regrets over their contracts with the BC Lions serve as cautionary tales for professional athletes. These stories emphasize the importance of making informed career decisions and understanding the broader implications of each move. While their time with the BC Lions may have been a detour, both Favre and Moon went on to achieve remarkable success in the NFL, proving that resilience and the right opportunities can ultimately lead to greatness. As athletes continue to navigate the complex landscape of professional sports, these lessons remain as relevant as ever, reminding them to align their career moves with their long-term goals and aspirations.

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